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M1882/84* Moroccan Comblain Rifle

(*absent definitive information, we have adopted Jonathan Kirton’s designation for this rifle)

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M1882/84 Moroccan Comblain Rifle


  North Africa had been controlled by the Ottoman empire from The 14th century into the early 20th century, but after the Napoleonic wars of the early 19th century the Maghreb (Western coastal north Africa) became more the province of local chieftains. This was especially true of Morocco as its location along the straits of Gibraltar gave it influence in both the Western Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic. As the European powers colonized much of Africa, Morocco was able to retain some degree of independence.

  Nevertheless, the French interest in Northern Africa was a powerful threat in the 19th century leading to the Franco Moroccan War between France and the Sultanate of Morocco in the fall of 1844. Morocco was able to substantially resist but in 1856 The Sultan Makhzen was eventually forced to sign the Anglo Moroccan treaty which provided ongoing independence to Morocco but reduced the Moroccan states control over its economy.

  Europe wasn't done with Morocco and war soon broke out again, this time with Spain, in 1859, concluding in 1860, but Spanish troops were not withdrawn until Morocco paid compensation (reparations) to Spain. This "fine" was paid by Morocco via money lent to it by the British, but this had the effect of further reducing the Sultan’s economic control of the country. The latter part of the 19th century saw a substantial increase in both the number and influence of Europeans in Morocco.

  During the middle 1800s the sultan made considerable efforts to improve Morocco's military capability and this eventually included the acquisition of modern rifles from Belgium.


Photo Credit;



  Belgian records indicate that in 1885 Morocco placed orders for 5,000 Comblain rifles of the newest pattern, then the 1882 having been recently adopted by the Belgian Garde Civique.  It appears from what little information has been able to be gleaned; that the Moroccan Comblain is substantially identical to the M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain Rifle, except for its markings and cartridge chambering. 


This is a M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain rifle.  Frankly, it is indistinguishable from the Moroccan rifle but for markings and maybe insubstantially different chambering.



  If Jonathan Kirton is correct*, the Moroccan Comblain rifle will be challenging to distinguish from its Belgian brother. The primary distinction will be the chambering for a unique cartridge (see below).

  Of the Belgian Garde Civique rifles that we have examined physically or via photographs, all carry, in addition to the Comblain conventional patent markings on the right side of the receiver and serial or Batch Numbers on the left side of the receiver, both rack numbers and a single or two large letters on the top flat of the barrel at the receiver. The letters indicate the city or town to which the civil guard rifle was assigned. There is, of course, no such letters or rack numbers on Moroccan contract rifles.

  Most, though not all, Garde Civique rifles also have substantial cartouches on both left and right sides of their buttstocks which are, we believe, absent on Moroccan contract rifles.

  Inversely, except for its buttstock cartouche, the Belgian M1882 rifles are not marked at all by manufacturer. In contrast, the only identified Moroccan contract rifle which we are currently aware of is marked on the top of its barrel between the receiver and rear sight with its maker, Auguste Francotte as such:  A. FRANCOTTE A. LIÈGE.

syndicat liegeois autor collectiblefirearms-06.jpg

These are examples of M1882 BELGIAN COMBLAINS, these markings are NOT found on M1882/84Moroccan Comblains.


Again, these are examples of M1882 BELGIAN COMBLAIN cartouches, these markings are NOT found on M1882/84Moroccan Comblains.


A manufacturer’s marking on the barrel of this Moroccan Comblain would be found ONLY on a Moroccan M1882/84 Comblain rifle.  



  Although they have often been referred to as “dropping block actions”, Comblains are probably more correctly described as “sliding block actions.”  All Comblains operate on exactly the same principle and in the same manner.  Please see the section “OPERATING MECHANISM” at M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain.



  Like all Belgian manufactured Comblains, the right side of the receiver is conventionally marked for royalty payment purposes "COMBLAIN" above "BREVETE" ("Brevete" means "Patent" in French) above the rifle's Patent Royalty Number, and all above the inspection punch “NC in a circle.”


  However, with the introduction of the M1881, the Batch Number or serial number is now relocated to the left side of the receiver below Syndicate inspection stampings.


  Liège proof marking always appear on all Comblains on the left barrel flat or the upper left barrel flat, generally consisting of the Liège Perron (tower) with the "E over LG over * (star)” in an oval", these two denoting proofing, along with two "star over R" stampings, being a final inspection denoting a rifled firearm.  These are common to all Comblain longarms.



Identical to that of the M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain.

M1882/84 Moroccan Comblain Rifle

Overall Length:  1,265 mm (94.75 in)

Weight, empty: 3.95 kg (8 lbs 12oz)

Barrel Length:  880 mm (34.6 in)

Rifling:  4-groove; RH, concentric

Sight:  Ramp & Leaf, graduated from 100m (110 yds) to 1,300 m (1,425 yds)


Top:  M1870 Belgian Civic Garde Comblain Bottom:  M1882/84 Moroccan Comblain



None known.



  We have not been able to definitively identify a Moroccan bayonet, but it would seem highly likely that the Moroccans would have adopted a bayonet closely following the Belgians and the French in adopting a close copy of the French  M1874 épée (sword) bayonet.  Indeed just such a bayonet was manufactured in Belgium by Auguste Francotte, the manufacturers of the M1882/84 Comblain.

Important to review the bayonet of the M1882 Belgian Garde Civique and to understand that bayonet fully, as almost certainly the Moroccan bayonet is nearly identical but for markings.

We believe that this may well be just such a bayonet:

Belgian Civil Guard T-back Gras type_13_edited.jpg
Belgian Civil Guard T-back Gras type_09_edited.jpg
Belgian Civil Guard T-back Gras type_08_edited.jpg
Belgian Civil Guard T-back Gras type_07_edited.jpg
Belgian Civil Guard T-back Gras type_10_edited.jpg

This particular bayonet was highly likely to have been issued to the Garde Civique with it’s M1882 Comblain rifle, but is very likely to have been copied for use with the Moroccan Comblain.

Belgian Civil Guard T-back Gras type_08_a.jpg

Close-up of A. Francotte marking on bayonet crossguard face


  In 1884, Jules Gévelot partnered with Victor Gaupillat to form the Société Française des Munitions (S.F.M.), a prominent French munitions company headquartered in Paris.  Considering the strong influence that the French had in Morocco in this period, contracting with a French firm for ammunition supply, especially of a unique cartridge, would not be surprising.


  From Jonathan Kirton's research (see References, below), there exists a drawing from records of the S.F.M., titled Cartouche Comblain MAROC (Moroccan Comblain Cartridge) which specifies dimensions for a cartridge that appears to be unique to the Moroccan order.


  This cartridge will not, however, necessarily be easily identified visually.  Not the Belgian cartridge, necessarily, but not much different either:

Kirton Chamber Drawing.jpg

Photo Credit: The Comblain Rifle An Early Falling Block Breechloader - Jonathan Grenville Kirton

  For more information on Belgian cartridge information, please refer to the CARTRIDGES section of the page: The Comblain Rifle

  For an excellent brief article on the Comblain and its cartridge history by Historian Brad Dixon, a New Zealand Cartridge Collector, click here Comblain Drawn Case Cartridges


  Morocco is known to have placed an order for 5,000 rifles.  Total numbers actually produced and delivered is not currently known.



As is so often the case, nothing is definitive, but this is our best guess:


  The Moroccan M1882/84 begins as a close copy of the M1881 Persian Comblain, but is actually a near identical copy of the M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain.


  The M1882/84 was late in the black powder cartridge era and is not known to have been utilized by any other country.




  Comparisons among the M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain, (browned barrel, bronzed action) the M1881 Persian Comblain (center in each photo) and this M1882/84 Moroccan Comblain 




Les Armes a Feu Reglementaires Belges Depuis 1830 - Credit Communal

The Comblain Rifle An Early Falling Block BreechLoader - Jonathan Grenville Kirton (The Comblain Rifle Book by Jonathan Kirton Published Jan 2016 | Down East Antiques)

The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition, George A. Hoyem, VOL II-Centerfire Primitive and Martial Long Arms, Armory Publications, Tacoma, 1982 pg. 156.  Special Note! For those with access to the Hoyem book, the back of the dust jacket illustrates a Chilean Comblain.

An extensive series on the Comblain rifles was produced by Mr. Kirton and published serially appearing in The Gun Report (a high quality and influential arms magazine), Volume 50, Numbers 5 through 9, October 2004 through February 2005.

To learn even more about Comblain Rifles, we strongly encourage you to read or purchase this fine book by Jonathan Kirton! 


Page Built 12/14/24

Updated 1/29/25

Updated 1/30/25

Copyright 1997-2025 Keith Doyon & Josh Underkofler 

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