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M1866(?) Egyptian Snider(?)

GENERALLY: It looks to me like a British P53 Snider conversion with Egyptian markings like those seen on the M1868 Egyptian Remington.
PHOTO: The photos above depict what I believe to be a cut-down Pattern 1853 type Snider action rifle shortened to carbine length and smooth-bored for Egyptian Police use. See letter below:
DISTINGUISHING CHARECTERISTICS: British Snider pattern with Egyptian markings.
MISC NOTES: I received the photos from a visitor to the site and I am more convinced that these rifles (carbines at least) are Egyptian Sniders, but so far no information on their manufacture.
FURTHER READINGS: I wish that I knew! If you can help me with anything in writing I would sincerely appreciate it!
I also received and exchanged the below correspondence:
Subj: Re: Egyptian Snider
Date: 01-01-00 01:48:03 EST
To: KeithDoyon@MilitaryRifles(.)com
Yours is a Police Carbine, altered in Cairo from a rifle and smooth bored. The lock plate markings are E P (for Egyptian Police) above the date in Arabic.
Subj: Re: Egyptian Snider
Date: 01-01-07 01:48:03 EST
From: KeithDoyon
The alteration from rifle to smooth bore carbine makes sense, but why would an Egyptian, with a rifle covered in Farsi, or other Egyptian writing, stamp "Egyptian Police" in English on their firearms?
I don't think so, but I admit to no better suggestion at the moment.
Subj: RE: Egyptian Snider
Date: 01-01-08 09:32:19 EST
From: (Jim Hughes)
To: KeithDoyon@MilitaryRifles(.)com ('KeithDoyon@MilitaryRifles(.)com')
Because at the time all of this was done, Egypt was a British Protectorate and the high police officials were all British, ergo, as in India, English became the "official" language. Because many uneducated people who can not read, can read numbers, the date was in Arabic.
Besides, I know the importer who bought these from the Egyptian Police about 1968...
Best regards,
(KD Note: Jim Hughes is the author of an excellent new book, THE GATLING GUN NOTEBOOK, published November 2000 byMowbray. It lists for $23.00. Please contact Jim at for more information!)

see for example M1868 Egyptian Remington

More M1866? Egyptian Snider Photos (2nd example)
The following photos were sent in by Reijer Klarenbeek ( of the Netherlands. I believe this to be another example of the Egyptian Snider. However, whether this rifle was originally a P53 Enfield or something else that was converted I do not know. Any information would be helpful!

A Snider Mark I or Mk II conversion. But of what muzzleloader originally??

The initial, I believe are E. P. cradled in a moon crescent. These are also universally found on markings on the Egyptian Remington.

How it lasted this long??? :)

These are likely Egyptian regimental markings. Compare to: Egyptian Remington.
(above and below)

Page built October 6, 1999
Revised January 8, 2000
Updated: Oct 29, 2021