My Collecting "philosophy" and the "universe" of what I focus on.
(To identify a Non-US issued / Black Powder Metallic Cartridge / Military / Rifle).
Parts, Repair, Reloading & Shooting Supplies & INFO
of Excellent Further Readings & Sources
to other excellent related sites.
Military Rifles in the Age of Transition
(Non-U.S.) Black Powder, Metallic Cartidge, Military Rifles
1865 to 1890
(A Research, Photo-Identification and Information Website since 1997)
Major Classifications by PERIOD:
I. Conversions of muzzle-loaders to breechloaders (~1865-1869)
II. Purpose-built breechloaders (~1869-1886)
A. Single-shot rifles
(Linked List)
B. Magazine rifles
i. Tube magazine rifles (1869, 1878-1888)
(Linked List) (Note: add Swiss Vetterlis)
ii. Box magazine rifles (1886-1890)
(Linked List)
Major Classification by TYPE
Forward lifting block (Mont Storm)
(Linked List)
Side lifting block (Snider)
(Linked List)
Lifting block
(Linked List)
Pivoting block
(Linked List)
Dropping block
(Linked List)
Turning block
Turning bolt
(Linked List)